Compensation Algorithm Based Current Transformer with High Accuracy


Advisor: Taiying Zheng, Associate Professor, College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University

December. 2022 - March. 2023

Research Approach

  • Proposed the current compensation algorithm and the current transformer, targeting high-accuracy measurements, robust protection, and digital output.
  • Programmed magnetic hysteresis fitting and current compensation algorithms using a Keil 4 microprocessor in C and implemented data processing on STM32 microcontrollers.
  • Conducted Simulink simulations and system-level optimizations, significantly improving current measurement accuracy.
  • Completed the hardware prototype for current measurement in practical power converters, which verified the functionality of the compensation algorithm in improving the accuracy of current transformer.
  • Authored a comprehensive project paper on the project, which was highly commended in the final evaluation.

Outline of Research




Hardware Experiments


Prototype and Results